1. Halo: Combat Evolved
I didn't actually think this would end up with my number one spot, but when I started thinking about it I knew that's where it belonged. It's such a memorable soundtrack, and the majority of songs are really standout for me. Hearing the Gregorian chants of the Opening Suite is always so stirring, and probably the most memorable theme in recent years.
Favorite tracks: Opening Suite, Under Cover Of Night, Rock Anthem For Saving The Universe, Halo.

2. Metroid Prime
I actually was expecting this to end up in my number one slot. Anyone who ever talks games with me knows how much of a Metroid fan I am, and the music is one of the reasons that makes the games so great in my mind. The music of pretty much the entire series, Prime included, is incredibly moody and atmospheric. I've never understood why some of the series' music doesn't garner as much attention as, say, Zelda.
Favorite tracks: Title Theme, Main Menu, Talon Overworld I, Magmoor Caverns, Phendrana Drifts.
Runner-up: Super Metroid, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.

3. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty
My first experience with the MGS franchise was actually MGS2. While I didn't understand some of the story until after I had already finished the game, it was still one of the most incredible experiences I've had with any game, and the music is one of those reasons. I usually skip any pre-title screen cinemas too avoid seeing anything that I'll be seeing in the opening of the game, but I simply couldn't stop this one from playing. Also, the track Opening Infiltration is one of the most atmospherically-settings opening tracks in video game history.
Favorite tracks: Metal Gear Solid Main Theme, Opening Infiltration, Russian Soldiers From Kasatka, It's The Harrier.
Runner-up: Metal Gear Solid.

4. Resident Evil 2
As I got into gaming more and more after the release of the N64 I started to become a big fan of the RE franchise, again starting with the second game in a series. The amazing, dark atmosphere really threw me for a loop at that age since I had never really experienced anything like it before then, and the soundtrack is really what helped craft it.
Favorite tracks: Front Hall, First Floor, Second Floor, Basement Of Police Station.
Runner-up: Resident Evil.

5. The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
I can only imagine any big Zelda fans who look at this are raising an eyebrow at this one. The OoT soundtrack was the only Zelda OST, that I know of, to not include the series theme music. However, outside of some limited experience with the original Zelda, this was my first real outting with the series, and the soundtrack really blew me away, especially since I wasn't aware that something big was missing. Also, the soundtrack was later recorded using a full symphony, and I'm a huge fan of that version.
Favorite tracks: Bolero Of Fire, Hyrule Field, Kokiri Forest, Gerudo Valley.

6. Final Fantasy VII
While not one of my favorite games of all time, the soundtrack sure lives up to any hype you could give it. Really, I probably don't need to say much here. Most gamers, whether they love it or hate it, have heard some of the soundtrack before. "Seh-fi-roth!!!"
Favorite tracks: One-Winged Angel, Shinra Company, Final Fantasy VII Main Theme, J-E-N-O-V-A. Really, I'd like to list more, but since I don't have the soundtrack in any form it's kind of difficult to do.

7. Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
While the soundtrack from the original could be better, I honestly haven't heard it in such a long time that I'm not sure. However, I love the techno/choir/metal-ish fusion DMC3's has. It's just all really fitting for the DMC franchise, and really helped make things memorable in my mind. Unfortunately I don't have the soundtrack on this PC, so I can't list specific favorites.
Favorite tracks: Devils Never Cry, misc. others.

8. Shadow Of The Colossus
Epic. That pretty much sums up the SoTC soundtrack. It simply pounds you whenever you encuonter one of the colossi, really elevating the feel of the battle, and instills such a feeling of sadness when one ends. It's one of those soundtracks you just know is going to be incredible as soon as you start things up.

9. Guilty Gear XX
Definitely my favorite fighting game soundtrack, and one that I've always enjoyed rocking to whenever I'm sitting at the computer. Also, the neo-classical-ish metal sound really favors my musical tastes, simply adding to why I like it so much.
Favorite tracks: Awe Of She, Holy Orders(Be Just Or Be Dead).

10. God Of War
As one could guess from the anger in my last post, I loved the soundtrack of God Of War. As soon as I heard chants of "Kratos!" while I ripped innocents apart for health, I fell in love. As far as I know the soundtrack hasn't been released on CD, so there's no way for me to list specific tracks.
Honorable Mentions: Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night, Ikaruga, Silent Hill 3.