Monday, March 26, 2007

If Only Life Was 2-D.

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April 9 can't come soon enough. Need I say anything else?


Cody Musser said...

Super Paper Mario is like ... epic. I see myself enjoying this game more than anything else throughout spring and most of summer.

If nothing else, my Wii is desperate for a new game ... you know, not including that dusty one I have sitting around somehwere. What's it called? Oh yeah ... Zelda.

John Fabry said...

I've heard quite a few people making similar comments about the Wii. People worked hard to get one as soon as possible, they played Zelda, it was amazing... and now what? Once you go through Zelda there really isn't anything to highlight the Wii's library, so Nintendo needs to step it up. They made it off to a great start, but now they need to keep that momentum going.

Nathan said...

Yeah, I pretty much agree with you guys in full. Nintendo really needs something right now, and SPM definitely looks like it's going to deliver. They had a great launch with Zelda, Red Steel(people were really split on this, though) and Trauma Center(which is a lot of fun). Wario Ware scored well and hit shelves at a nice time, but it just didn't peak my interest.

And yeah, SPM does look like something I'll be actively playing for at least a couple months. I believe Shane from EGM/1Up said it took him 27 hrs. to beat the game without touching all the sidequests.

John Fabry said...

"...Red Steel(people were really split on this, though)..."

... They were? I honestly don't think I've heard anyone say anything good about the game.

Nathan said...

Yeah, the reviews definitely weren't split. I've seen a lot of varied opinions on msg. boards, though. That doesn't mean it was good, but a fair amount of people seemed to like it.

Anonymous said...

The Wii did in my room what every new system I've ever bought did- it sat there. I beat the initial game that I bought with it, and it took a rest until the meat started piling up.

And, oh God, did it ever. I can honestly say that I've played the Wii almost nonstop over the past few weeks. Tiger 07, Scarface, and Resident Evil $ Wii Edition, are awesome new releases, and older games that i haven't completed yet (Sonic, Super Paper Mario) are taking my time up considerably. I've also been playing through Zelda again, following my special golden book along, and getting every Piece of Heart, bug, and whatnot.

I've been playing the Wii so much lately that I haven't even missed not getting Ninja Gaiden Sigma. However, that game will be mine...someday. This has gotten me back into games so much that I have decided to bring my blog back. Expect some more posts soon!!