Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Almost Emergence Day.

While not quite Emergence Day yet, which falls on the 12th, the gaming world is practically there with the toted 'killer-app' Gears Of War shipping to certain retailers today. My excitement for Gears literally knows no bounds, and I don't even own a Xbox 360. Of course I want one, and hopefully I'll be able to pick one up around Christmas. Anyway, I've been geeked about GoW for I don't even know how long now, as it looks incredible in every aspect, and it just looks like the type of game I'd love. There isn't really much of a point to this post except to let out some of my excitement to play. IGN's review , the first I've seen for GoW, dropped today. It's full of so many compliments and such enthusiasm that it's all I can to keep from going crazy while I wait to play it tomorrow. Thank God two of my friends are picking it up and I'll be able to dish out some raping to the Locust Horde with them. Well, I'll be sure to post my impressions tomorrow night.

Also, I picked up Final Fantasy XII on Wednesday, and I've been having a blast with it then. I've been meaning to make a post about it, but all my time has either gone into playing it, working, or doing homework. I've put in around 25 hours of playtime so far, and it's been serving up a healthy dose of fun, challenge, political intrigue, and great style so far. I'll go more in-depth as soon as I get the chance.

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